HHSC Technology
The Technology Team at Hamilton Heights School Corporation will strive provide a technological environment in each school that helps to: support the school academic mission, vision and goals, engage student learning, enhance collaboration for students and staff, and foster 21st century learning. We will strive to create a student body that uses technology to be “Globally Connected while being Locally Engaged.”
- HHSC Technology
Our History of Technology at HHSC
Hamilton Heights School Corporation began its 1:1 program around 2012. For this trial period, only our middle school students (grades six through eight) were issued devices. At that time, they were issued Intel Classmate PC Convertible netbooks. Three years later, the middle school transitioned to iPads.
As time progressed and the climate of technology changed, we understood the need to expand the program. We began with the high school in 2013-2015 (iPads).
Staff started with iPads and HP laptops, then transitioned to MacBooks before the students. Students then received the older staff MacBooks (11").
In 2016, HHSC began issuing MacBooks to high school students. The older netbooks were cycled down to the elementary school, kickstarting their 1:1 journey until they were able to use the iPads from the high school.
As it stands now, all students in kindergarten through eighth grade are assigned an Apple iPad and charger. High school students, or students grades nine through twelve, have a school-issued Apple MacBook. Seniors have the opportunity to purchase their laptop after they graduate. This helps them have an excellent computer that can help them with college, work, or whatever they may choose to do after high school.
Technology Handbook
To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience using school-issued equipment, please familiarize yourself with the Hamilton Heights Technology Handbook. This document outlines our expectations for technology use at our corporation.